A visit to Trident Passages in Cueva Hoyuca via Torca de la Decepción, 12th April 2023,
by James Carlisle, Chris Scaife, Alex Ritchie and Pete Hall.

Looking into Rocky Horror, near where the Duckhams Sump water emerges.
Looking into Rocky Horror, near where the Duckhams Sump water emerges.
Selfie in the chamber beyond Rocky horror at the start of Trident Passages.
Way on seen in a chamber above the entrance to Trident (follow stream up to the right and enter small chamber).
Formations in same chamber as 04 (looking the direction came from).
Detritus from the '80s(?) in "Camp 1" at the start of the Trident series. (Pete and Chris are the cavers).
Detritus from the '80s(?) in "Camp 1" at the start of the Trident series. (Pete and Chris are the cavers).
Formations off to the side of "Camp 1".
Small stream that sinks in the floor next to "Camp 1"
Pete and Alex (with '80s(?) containers and spent carbide) at the "usual" rest stop near the start of Rocky Horror.
The big chamber at the end of Rocky Horror/beginning of Trident.
The big chamber at the end of Rocky Horror/beginning of Trident.
Alex at the he big chamber at the end of Rocky Horror/beginning of Trident.
Alex at the big chamber at the end of Rocky Horror/beginning of Trident.
"Camp 1" - although it was never used as a camp
Detritus from the '80s(?) in "Camp 1" at the start of the Trident series. 
Detritus from the '80s(?) in "Camp 1" at the start of the Trident series. 
Pete and James with formations in the Trident Passages.
Formations in the Trident Passages.
James with formations in the Trident Passages.
Careful progress between formations in the Trident Passages.
Crystals in the Trident Passages (may be Mace Head Passage?)
Crystals in the Trident Passages (may be Mace Head Passage?)
Crystals in the Trident Passages (may be Mace Head Passage?)
James with formations in the Trident Passages.
Formations in the Trident Passages.
Pete with formations in the Trident Passages.
Pete surveying in the Poseidon Adventure, batch 0107-23-01.
Pete surveying in the Poseidon Adventure, batch 0107-23-01.
Pete surveying in the Poseidon Adventure, batch 0107-23-01.
Alex and Pete at the end of Poseidon Adventure.
Chris and James (with '80s(?) containers, spent carbide and other rubbish) at the "usual" rest stop near the start of Rocky Horror.
Rubbish left by explorers in the 1980's(?)
Rubbish left by explorers in the 1980's(?)
Chris and Alex inspecting the rubbish left by explorers in the 1980's(?)
Chris viewing the detritus from the '80s(?) in "Camp 1" at the start of the Trident series.
Chris viewing the detritus from the '80s(?) in "Camp 1" at the start of the Trident series.
[No caption]
James and Chris with formations in the Trident Passages.
James and Chris with formations in the Trident Passages.