0004 Cueva del Mar Scale Bar Blue: 0000ff (Scalebar color) North Arrow Green: 00ff00 (Orient color) Centreline Red: ff0000 (Export color) 0) Follow Patrick Warren's Workflow advice. (ReadMe.md in https://github.com/patrickbwarren/inkscape-survex-export/releases/tag/v2.0) 1) Some guess work involved here; the entrance to the west is above the river. Use alt 118m rather than the 125m shown on the QGIS3 map. 2) Guy provides plan, section and 3d snap shot. 3) Previous 0029 svg file used as blue, green and red lines are already there for editing. 4) Blue and green lines edited for scale and Nm 2016 June respectively. 5) Cave starts at triangle on survey. 6) Having been in the 1978 passage, up from river entrance, this is included. 7) Recreate centreline in inkscape trying to place 'survey stations' at any change in height / passage floor / width. The 'stations' can be highlighted using start, centre and end 'markers'. 8) Most stations are 1m (waist height) above the floor. 9) Change *data normal tape compass clino to *data cylpolar tape compass depthchange 10) Replace the '0' as necessary to show the depth change between stations. 11) Process the .svx to produce the 3d file 12) Edit the .svx file to show some widths (if deemed necessary!). Widths were measured with a wooden ruler, off the screen. 13) It is possible to draw in more points than were taken underground - but does this make the svx more representative of reality? Some small ends may be wrong re whether they are high or low level passages. Probably the latter. (Extra vertical needed to take line from waist height down to floor level.) 14) Length from the Survex log 108m down to 98m when some arbitary SPLAYS put in. Juan Corrin