0001 Sima del Burro export survex scale: 500 north arrow anti-clockwise = 126.5 (360-126.5=233.5) rotate by: 233.5 Centreline Red: ff0000 North Arrow Green: 00ff00 Scale Bar Blue: 0000ff 1) Recreate centreline in inkscape trying to place 'survey stations' where any vertical drops are and save as .svx 2) Workout exactly which direction the North arrow is facing. 3) Process survex file and export plan as SVG, Note: use appropriate scale to fit A4 and rotate export to match the drawnup survey North direction. Exporting with crosses on stations is useful. 4) Import SVG plan centrline into inkscape and scale the survey to fit it. 5) When the plan centrline can be exported from survex and dropped into inkscape and it fits perfectly, now export an elevation centreline from survex using the same scale and direction. 6) In Inkscape starting at the entrance measure vertical drops and add them as plumbed shots into the survex file, export SVG elevation and import into Inkscape checking that the centerline matches the plan survey as you go. NOTE: Check that plan and elevation scales are the same!! I found it useful to create a sclale bar with more graduations on it when measuring the vertical drops. Enjoy! (Simon Cornhill)