We hope that this web site has become a resource people will return to. The contents are also available on CD ROM. In order to make the site as "complete" as possible we obviously want

.... in other words - resources and assistance!

If you have photos (slides or prints) to lend, can see that cave desciptions are incomplete or wrong, or have other info to give then please get in touch. Juan is trying to keep the paper version Matienzo Underground up-to-date on an Archimedes, so all info and photos should go to him first. All photos/slides will be returned and also acknowledged in print, on the Internet and on CD ROM. There is no intention (or possibility) of anyone making any money from this project - any small amounts made in selling CD ROMs would be ploughed back into Matienzo tackle / equipment.

Please send all items to J. Corrin, 62 Bankside Lane, Bacup, Lancs. OL13 8HJ

If you can, e-mail would be especially convenient. You can then attach (zipped) GIFs, JPEGs, ASCII text etc - we can deal with (almost) anything. E-mail and files should be sent to Juan at Uzueka@aol.com

Thanks for your help!

Juan Corrin & Andy Quin

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